At Jo Blando Aesthetics, nestled in the vibrant heart of Stoke-on-Trent, we’re excited to introduce our revolutionary Fat-Dissolving Injection service, a game-changer for those looking to refine and sculpt their midsection.

Our specially formulated injections target stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen, waist, and love handles, offering a non-surgical solution to contouring your body and enhancing your natural silhouette.

This innovative treatment is designed with your comfort and convenience in mind, requiring minimal downtime so you can return to your daily activities swiftly. Our expert team is dedicated to providing personalized care, ensuring that your experience is tailored to meet your specific goals and expectations.



The beauty of our Fat-Dissolving Injections lies in their ability to produce noticeable, lasting results, helping you achieve a more toned and defined midsection.

Imagine feeling more confident in your clothing and loving the reflection you see in the mirror.

At Jo Blando Aesthetics, we’re here to make that vision a reality, supporting you every step of the way on your journey to a happier, more confident you.

Fat-dissolving injections, also known as lipolytic injections, are non-surgical treatments designed to reduce localized fat deposits.

These injections contain a substance that breaks down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body’s lymphatic system.

Common active ingredients include deoxycholic acid, which is particularly effective in breaking down dietary fat.

While fat-dissolving injections can be effective on various parts of the body, they are most commonly used to target stubborn fat deposits in the midsection, such as the abdomen, waist, love handles, and sometimes the chin and thighs.

It’s important to have a consultation with a qualified professional to determine the most suitable areas for treatment based on your body type and desired outcomes.

When performed by a qualified and experienced practitioner, fat-dissolving injections are generally safe.

However, as with any medical procedure, there are potential side effects, including swelling, bruising, pain, redness, and numbness at the injection site.

These side effects are typically temporary and should resolve on their own. There is also a risk of more serious side effects, such as infection or an allergic reaction, but these are rare.

Results from fat-dissolving injections are not immediate and typically become noticeable after a few weeks, as the body needs time to process and eliminate the fat cells that have been broken down.

The number of treatments needed can vary depending on the individual and the area being treated.

The results can be long-lasting, especially when accompanied by a healthy lifestyle, as the fat cells are permanently destroyed and removed. However, gaining weight can cause new fat cells to form, which can affect the overall outcome.


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